Predictable Investment Returns
Wholesale Bonds Service
Balance your Investment Portfolio with predictable returns
Wholesale Bonds are fixed income investments that provide reliable income payments with reduced risk to your capital. A diversified wholesale bond portfolio not only offers a known return but also enhances the capital security, diversity, and cash flow of your overall investment portfolio.
Advantages of investing in a wholesale bond portfolio encompass having a reliable income stream, assured capital stability, and liquidity, coupled with returns that surpass those of term deposits and standard ‘on-demand’ bank accounts. The Up Funds Management Wholesale Bond Service grants entry to the wholesale bond market, enabling the selection of a diverse range of wholesale bonds by a skilled Up Funds Management fixed income specialist. This service includes consistent reporting and convenient online access to account details, all supported by our dedicated Client Services Team.
Regular Income
Provides a consistent income stream through interest (or ‘coupon’) payments, potentially up to four times a year.
Capital Protection
A defensive asset aimed at repaying your initial investment (capital) at maturity.
Portfolio Diversification
If your investment portfolio is concentrated in shares and property, Wholesale Bonds offer diversity and counter-cyclical benefits.
Enhanced Returns
Provide higher returns than cash deposits
All investments are held in safe custody in the investor's name – Up Funds Management does not hold on trust.
Exclusive Access
Access to new bond issuances exclusively originated by Up Funds Management.
Up Funds Management' has extensive experience in the Wholesale Bond sector
The Wholesale Bond market is large and liquid, allowing bonds to be bought and sold at short notice.
Getting Started
Before investing in wholesale bonds, it's important to discuss their suitability with your Adviser in the context of your overall investment portfolio.
Minimum Investment
Up Funds Management’s Wholesale Bond Service is available to wholesale (sophisticated) investors. The minimum investment for an individual bond is $50,000. For a diversified Wholesale Bond Portfolio, consisting of at least five bonds, the recommended minimum portfolio investment is $250,000.
Preferred Bonds List and Sample Portfolios
Indicative AUD Preferred Bonds List - 2 November 2023
Get the latest copy of the latest Up Funds Management Preferred Bonds List
Indicative AUD Example Investment Grade Portfolio - 2 November 2023
Get the latest copy of the latest Up Funds Management Example Investment Grade Portfolio
Indicative AUD Example Enhanced Yield Portfolio - 2 November 2023
Get the latest copy of the latest Up Funds Management Example Enhanced Yield Portfolio
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Wholesale Bonds Service: Balance your Investment Portfolio with predictable returns
10 years +
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